The summertime music camp is a chance to gain from musical specialists. pictures thanks to Silpakorn Summertime Music School

Silpakorn Summer Season Music School (SSMS) is accepting applications for all string gamers (violin, viola, cello and double bass) to take part in a summertime music camp arranged for March 29 till April 5.

This is a musical life experience offering music enthusiasts a possibility to establish their abilities and seriously practise in an enjoyable environment under the assistance of leading nationwide and worldwide professor, consisting of Leo Phillips, Tasana Nagavajara, and Colin R Wrubleski, to name a few, under the instructions of world-renowned Japanese conductor Hikotaro Yazaki. They will be carrying out a collection of popular pieces by 4 authors– Tchaikovsky’s Elegy for String Orchestra, Samuel Barber’s Adagio For Strings, Ottorino Respighi’s Ancient Airs And Dances and Gustav Holst’s St Paul’s Suite

The camp consists of masterclasses for all instruments and workshops on intriguing imaginative problems such as improvisation, music marketing and performing.

The training area is the SCB Training Center, situated at Sundown beach, Na Jomtien of Chon Buri. The centre is totally geared up with en suite practical bed rooms, class, ensemble practice spaces and tasty meals in the environment of the sunset by the sea every day.

The summertime music-camp task will conclude with 2 shows– at Tiffany Theatre Pattaya in Chon Buri on April 4 and at Mahisorn Hall, SCB Park Plaza in Bangkok on April 5.

It is open for admission to all, despite ages, and candidates ought to prepare the excerpts from qrgo.page.link/ sQqoe for the audition.

Online applications can be made through forms.gle/ eAHtvWAyz4smZRhN7 till Friday, and a VDO clip for online auditions ought to be sent out to ssms.camp@gmail.com.

Hikotaro Yazaki. Silpakorn Summer Season Music School

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