Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Structure volunteers fished wreckage and parts of 3 motorcycles that burglars had actually discarded into the Chak Nok Tank.

Volunteers fished wreckage and parts of 3 more motorcycles out of the Chak Nok Tank.

Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Structure scuba divers, reacting to next-door neighbors’ pointers, went searching for bodies amongst the wreckage, however discovered none.

The structure then collaborated with authorities to bring the frames and parts of the bikes up from the four-meter depths.

Cops stated Chak Nok is a preferred discarding ground for motorcycle burglars who remove the bikes of important parts and after that discard the frames.

A crane carries the wreckage of a motorcycle out of the Chak Nok Tank which is a preferred discarding ground for motorcycle burglars.

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