Weather Report for Pattaya and Eastern Area
Scattered thundershowers and separated heavy rains in Prachin Buri, Chonburi (Pattaya), Chanthaburi and Trat. Minimum temperature level 26-29 ° C. Optimum temperature level 31-35 ° C. Southwesterly winds 20-40 km/hr. Wave height 2– 3 meters and in thundershowers more than 3 meters.
7 days Weather report
Throughout 2– 3 Aug, spread to relatively prevalent thundershowers and separated heavy rains. Southwesterly winds 20– 40 km/hr. Wave height 2– 3 meters and above 3 meters in thundershowers.
Throughout 4– 8 Aug, spread thundershowers and separated heavy rains. Southwesterly winds 20– 35 km/hr. Wave height about 2 meters and above 2 meters in thundershowers. Minimum temperature level 24– 29 ° C. Optimum temperature level 29– 35 ° C.