Bad blood boiled over when motorcycle cabby entered a brawl with Bolt app chauffeurs outside the Arcadia Beach Resort on Thappraya Roadway Soi 7.

3 motorcycle-taxi chauffeurs were injured when they and ride-hailing app motorist battled once again in Pattaya.

The most recent in a string of battles in between standard taxi motorcycle chauffeurs and those working for the upstart Bolt app, the Jan. 25 melee outside the Arcadia Beach Resort on Thappraya Roadway Soi 7 saw 3 37-year-old “old-school” chauffeurs sent out to the health center.

Anan Kaewwichien got struck in the head and groin with a steel bar, Noppadol Karnsommut got struck in the confront with a baseball bat and Monthon Liewseng hurt his hand punching a Bolt motorist.

The battle started when Anan was awaiting consumers outside a corner store by the resort rather of his taxi stand 50 meters away. 3 Bolt chauffeurs pulled into the shop’s parking area to await consumers too.

An “old-school” motorcycle cab driver reveals the steel bar and baseball bat that the Bolt chauffeurs utilized to assault them leading to 3 guys getting hurt.

Anan stated he informed the Bolt chauffeurs to follow the regards to a peace treaty in between low-tech and modern motorcycle chauffeurs and wait at a designated area far from the taxi stand. The Bolt chauffeurs informed Anan to return to his own stand. Things went downhill from there.

Guard Putchong Nongpa, 40, stated one Bolt motorist pulled a steel bar out of his coat and the baseball bat appeared out of no place and the battle was on.

Sunee Chonchedchuwong, head of the Chonburi Land Transportation Department, stated an examination is underway. Pattaya authorities chief Pol. Col. Kullachart Kullachai stated he had no strategies to jail anybody, accepting the DLT’s authority.

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