In a serene ceremony on the Ganesh Shrine Park in east Pattaya, the consecration of the sacred Naga deity strengthens the cultural ties of the Srisattanakaraja household to the area’s roots.

PATTAYA, Thailand – In a reverent ceremony held on January 23at the Ganesh Shrine Park nestled inside the tranquil expanse of Nong Takrai village in east Pattaya, the ancestral guardian of the Srisattanakaraja household, the sacred Naga deity, was consecrated, marking a profound connection to the area’s cultural roots.

Rooted in historic traditions and handed down by generations, the consecration ceremony of the Naga deity is a deeply revered and sacred perception. The ceremony, named Naka Tham Kien (Naga of the Tham Kien), unfolded in line with the beliefs of the 4 instructions, symbolizing the grandeur paying homage to the Badaan Palace.

Esteemed non secular leaders of the Naga procession, Pho Pu Ruatsi Narod Ropo, Pu Srisattanakaraja, Pu Khemraratcha, and Pu Naraian Uttradit, led the ceremony. Alongside them have been Pho Pu Srisuthatho, Mae Ya Sripatumma, Pu Nillakal, Pu Kham Saen Sirijantara, and a large number of devotees and retailers from various walks of life.

This momentous occasion wasn’t merely a ceremony; it was an invite for attendees to witness the disclosing of wealth, prosperity, and blessings. Serving as a vessel for hopes and aspirations, the ceremony strengthened neighborhood ties to their ancestral guardian and enriched their shared cultural heritage.

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