Group Hollywood complete throughout the IRC Racing 1 occasion. guy nowell Guy Nowell

PATTAYA: After a brief hold-up with the groups remaining onshore waiting on breeze, the wind completed around midday and the last day of the Top of the Gulf Regatta got underway.

It was an inevitable conclusion for IRC Racing 1 the other day. Having actually won 7 from 7, Group Hollywood included another last win to their tally to be unbeaten and left with the title. At the same time they stopped THA72, skippered by Noppakao Poonpat, declaring their 3rd title in 4 years.

2 reasonably fast races in IRC Racing 2 saw Fujin complete their series with 2 wins and the title. Solid plainly chosen a few of the longer range racing early on in the regatta and needed to choose 2nd general.

A three-race shoot figured out the winner of the Platu class and while they have not had everything their own method, Chris Method’s Easy Tiger V have actually corresponded throughout, controling the class and were the winners. A 3rd, 2nd and very first on the last day was too little too late for in 2015’s winners, Group Perspective, who needed to choose 2nd this time. 3rd location was protected by Thai group Pine Pacific, lead by Ithinai Yingsiri.

The inaugural Thailand SV14 Para Cruising Champion was a success with an overall of 7 groups and sailors from Estonia, South Africa, France, the Philippines and Thailand participating. In spite of a 6th in the last race, the consistency of Paisol Pateh/ Mahseedi Hadumor (THA) saw them crowned champs.

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