The decrease in tax rates for service facilities is a short-term procedure with period of one year, focused on assisting service company operators impacted by COVID-19 to recuperate and promoting increased domestic work.

The Import tax Department has actually changed the rates of import tax taxes on red wine, brewed drink, and service facilities, intending to promote tourist and expense, reliable from February 23.

Dr. Ekniti Nitithanprapas, Director-General of the Import tax Department, exposed that the change of excise tax rates on liquors enhances rate competitiveness at the local level, causing increased costs by both foreign and domestic travelers of all levels. It likewise motivates top quality travelers to check out the kingdom.

Under the procedure, red wine and champagne made from grapes formerly taxed at 10% for list prices above 1,000 baht and 0% for list prices not surpassing 1,000 baht, are now consistently taxed at 5%. Furthermore, the tax rate based upon alcohol material has actually been lowered from 1,500 baht per liter of 100 degrees to 1,000 baht per liter of 100 degrees.

Fruit red wine, or fruit-based fermented drinks including grapes or grape red wine, formerly taxed at 10% for list prices above 1,000 baht and 0% for list prices not surpassing 1,000 baht, are now taxed at 0% totally. The tax rate based upon alcohol material stays at the previous rate of 900 baht per liter of 100 degrees.

Dr. Ekniti Nitithanprapas, Director-General of the Import tax Department, exposed that the change of excise tax rates on liquors enhances rate competitiveness at the local level, causing increased costs by both foreign and domestic travelers of all levels.

Regional fermented drink such as “U” “Ka Chae” and “Sato” with alcohol material not surpassing 7 degrees, formerly taxed at 10% based upon worth, are now lowered to 0%, while the tax based upon volume stays the same at 150 baht per liter of 100 degrees.

Brewed alcohols with distilled spirits blended and with alcohol material surpassing 7 degrees will continue to be taxed at 10% based upon worth, with a boost in volume-based tax from the previous 150 baht per liter of 100 degrees to 255 baht per liter of 100 degrees.

On the other hand, service facilities such as clubs, discos, bars, barroom, and so on, have actually seen a decrease in tax rates from 10% to 5% of income from February 23 to December 31, 2567.

The decrease in tax rates for service facilities is a short-term procedure with period of one year, focused on assisting service company operators impacted by COVID-19 to recuperate and promoting increased domestic work. ( TNA)

Service facilities such as clubs, discos, bars, barroom, and so on, have actually seen a decrease in tax rates from 10% to 5% of income from February 23 to December 31, 2567.

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