Ratchanon Chantananuwat contends in the International Series Thailand last month. afp

Thai amateur marvel Ratchanon “TK” Chantananuwat will include another plume in his cap today when he contends in the Asian Trip’s very first blended occasion, the US$ 750,000 Asian Combined Cup.

The competition tees off today at Siam Nation Club in Pattaya and is being collectively approved by the Ladies European Trip (LET).

” I am extremely thrilled– this is absolutely something various,” stated the 15-year-old prodigy.

” I am going to presume a great deal of the girls here can bomb it! I am not going to neglect the significance of making it as there might be 40 girls who make it today which’s going to be difficult.

” If I make it, then I am choosing the win. There’s a great deal of world ranking points today so I am going to get as lots of as I can.”

Making it has actually never ever been a concern for Ratchanon: he has actually made it through to the weekend in all 6 occasions he has actually played in given that completion of in 2015. He almost won among them, the Singapore International, where he was 3rd.

Ratchanon is coupled with Norway’s Marianne Skarpnord, a five-time LET winner, and Ursula Wikstrom from Finland for the very first 2 days.

There’s no doubt the teen titan will impress, although he has actually been slowed down with studying and getting ready for examinations just recently. “Truthfully, I have actually depended on a great deal of schoolwork, so have not had as much opportunity to do some severe practice,” he stated.

” Over the weekend and previous couple of days, I have actually been doing a bit more golf, so I am getting increasingly more all set. I still require to put in a bit more work at the variety today, however I ought to be all set by tomorrow.”

In his last trip on the Asian Trip, he connected for 11th in the International Series Thailand last month.

Today’s ground-breaking competition functions 60 Asian Trip gamers and 60 LET stars, in addition to 24 sponsor invites, betting the exact same reward fund and prize.

The only distinction is the females are playing off forward tees.

Rivals will remain on for the Asian Combined Stableford Obstacle next week at the exact same place.

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