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Art in Paradise Pattaya is a big interactive art museum where visitors can enter into the art work and have a good time posturing for pictures.

End up being a part of the art work

Standing or depending on 3D art work painted on the walls and floorings, visitors can let their creativity go wild and position in methods just restricted by their creativity.

Sticker labels on the cabaret the recommended area for the professional photographer to stand. They likewise reveal the design how to position, so the picture will come out the method the artist planned. Additionally, see what your creativity can develop, be as innovative as you desire and position in any method you can think about.

Enjoyable experience for grownups and kids

A big and roomy air conditioned museum with lots of art work where you can quickly invest 2 or 3 hours, Art in Paradise is enjoyable for both kids and grownups who will have great deals of laughs posturing for amusing and ridiculous pictures.

To safeguard the art work shoes are not permitted inside the museum. Remove your shoes at the entryway and get them back at the exit.

At the exit is a store where you can get coffee, sodas, ice creams, cake and treats.

Impressions developed by multi dimensional paintings

The multi dimensional paintings intend to produce impressions, so it looks that animals are charging out of the paintings or individuals are stabilizing on a tree log over a gorge. Although the paintings are gorgeous in themselves, the art work truly come alive on pictures when the results that the painters planned come out finest.

The 3D art work

Art in Paradise is divided in numerous areas as traditional art, nature, ancient civilizations and visual fallacies.

Amongst the art work are being on the cover of TIME publication, your head on a plate in the cooking area, handing bathroom tissue to an elephant resting on a toilet, on the brink of being consumed by a shark, feeding fish to a dolphin swimming out of the painting, huge octopus, huge whale emerging from the image, scuba diver discovering a big pearl in a shell, mermaid, the lost continent of Atlantis and capturing a big fish.

Nature & & traditional art

Continue with a big elephant getting out of a painting, tiger splashing water out of the image, roaring lion, Meerkats looking at you on the African savannah, attempting to leave from a crocodile, pressing a big rhino back into the painting, serving red white wine in a traditional European painting, shooting a love arrow at a heart, belonging to a van Gogh painting, painting the Mona Lisa, strolling in a 19 th century London street, being crowned King or Queen, belonging to the 15 th century “The birth of Venus” painting, working a Middle East magic light and practicing meditation in front of a big Buddha image.

Visual fallacy & & ancient civilizations

Position crossing a gorge on a rope ladder, thoroughly strolling a tree log over a river, strolling in Ayutthaya Historic Park, Machu Picchu in Peru, standing in an ancient Egypt pyramid, opening an ancient Egyptian treasure chamber in a pyramid, taking a camel to a drinking tank, flying on a flying carpet, resting on an ancient Egyptian throne, playing the Songkran water celebration, Einstein, remaining in a Charlie Chaplin film scene, practicing meditation with Gandhi, ancient beast assaulting, unicorn, travelling the canals of Venice in a gondola, Pinocchio and painting an Italian town.

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