British mixed martial arts fighter Glen Bailey, 43, desired on an arrest warrant for tried murder in England, has actually been jailed in Pattaya, Chon Buri. (Image provided)

A British combined martial arts fighter desired in England on a charge of tried murder has actually been jailed at a spa in Pattaya, Chon Buri, and deals with extradition.

Glen Bailey, 43, was collared at Q Sauna in Jomtien.

Authorities stated British authorities had actually asked Thai authorities for cooperation. The suspect is implicated of the tried murder of a 17-year-old.

Bailey apparently shot the teen in Hampshire on Feb 10 in 2015. The youth was left paralysed from the waist down.

Bailey had actually gone into Thailand on April 3 through the Restriction Pakkad checkpoint in Chanthaburi on a traveler visa which ended on May 2. He offered an address in Pattaya.

Migration authorities started the look for the male at gyms and physical fitness centres. They thought that as a mixed martial arts fighter he would work out frequently to keep fit.

When they tracked him down to the Q Sauna and revealed the arrest warrant, he did not withstand.

He was charged with overstaying his visa and held at Pattaya City police headquarters, pending action from British authorities for his extradition.

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