Australian Troy Rober lies hurt on the ground in front of the U-B Me Bar on Soi 7 after he was typed the face by a Thai guy for not following cautions not to begin difficulty.

Alcohol and bad choices resulted in another bar battle in Pattaya.
Australian Troy Rober, 52, got typed the face around 1:30 a.m. at the U-B Me Bar on Soi 7 March 4. His bloody face and hurt head were taken a look at by medical professionals at a regional medical facility.

Bar owner Lamiad Mongkol, 44, stated the Aussie and an unknown Thai guy in his mid-20s were consuming the bar and entered an argument.

Rober got up from his seat and fronted up on the Thai guy and got a punch in the face and a start the gut for not listening to the crowd not to begin difficulty. Rober’s head got a nasty gash when he fell striking his skull on the walkway.

The Thai guy left the bar prior to the polices appeared.

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