The cabinet has actually authorized a draft law on cars and truck parking management that would permit regional administrative organisations to gather costs for parking on public roadways, other than in particular forbidden locations, federal government spokesperson Sansern Kaewkamnerd stated on Tuesday.

The decentralisation law in 1999 permitted tambon administrative organisations, towns and Pattaya City to control markets, piers and cars and truck parking areas within their jurisdictions. Nevertheless, the law on cars and truck parking in towns released in 1960 was not changed appropriately, Lt Gen Sansern stated.

The draft law that will likewise permit the regional administrative organisations to utilize the extra earnings for regional advancement, he included.

According to the draft, regional administrative organisations can set guidelines concerning parking for different classifications of cars and the conditions for costs, fines and collection. They are likewise permitted to hand over execution of these steps to economic sector business.

The costs and fines can be consisted of in the spending plan of the regional administrative organisations.

In a different advancement, Lt Gen Sansern stated, the cabinet likewise authorized the concepts of a draft law on contaminated water management, and move the Wastewater Management Authority, now under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, to the jurisdiction of the Interior Ministry, so that wastewater and faucet water are now under the exact same ministry.

Lt Gen Sansern stated regional administrative organisations can work more effectively with cooperation from the Metropolitan Water Supply Authority and the Provincial Water Supply Authority.

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