Arrest made at cafe where policemans impersonated meth purchaser

Plainclothes authorities escort a Danish guy jailed in Pattaya on Friday for apparently offering drugs to Thai and foreign clients in the location for a minimum of 6 years. (Provided image by means of Chaiyot Pupattanapong)

PATTAYA: Cops jailed a 51-year-old Danish guy for apparently offering drugs in this beach town for over 6 years and took 4 condo spaces and other properties worth over 10 million baht for assessment.

The suspect, determined by authorities as John Finn Oersted Meyer Jensen, was collared at a coffee bar in Pattaya on Friday. He appeared there with some crystal methamphetamine to turn over to a law enforcement officer impersonating a client, according to authorities.

The sting was the outcome of an examination that followed earlier arrests of Thai and foreign drug users. Officers supposedly discovered the users had actually purchased the drugs from the Danish guy.

One officer was then appointed to call the suspect to purchase 10 grammes of crystal methamphetamine for a celebration. The Danish guy supposedly estimated him a rate of 1,000 baht a gramme and requested an advance payment of 5,000 baht.

He likewise declared he would provide the consumer a sex stimulant drug and liquid ketamine that he produced by himself for usage throughout the celebration. He made the visit to provide the drugs at the cafe on Friday.

After the arrest, authorities took the guy back to his condo to browse it. Some quantities of crystal methamphetamine, ketamine and speed tablets were discovered.

Officers consequently took 4 spaces at 3 condos in Bang Lamung district of Chon Buri, and 3 bikes. The guy’s properties deserved over 10 million baht.

Cops private investigators declared that he had actually been offering drugs to foreign nationals in Pattaya for 6-7 years.

The suspect was being kept in authorities custody, at first for prohibited belongings of drugs with intent to offer.

Little bags of illegal drugs are taken from the suspect’s space in Pattaya. (Provided image by means of Chaiyot Pupattanapong)

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