Apatcha rests in the house after she was assaulted by 2 pitbulls while she was out shopping in Nongprue market.

An East Pattaya dad went to authorities to report that his child was trampled by 2 pitbulls even after the owner had actually pushed him to take 5,000 baht payment.

Samart Pomthong, 36, obviously had a change of mind after taking the reward from the owner of 2 pitbulls that assaulted his 12-year-old child as the underaged lady drove a motorcycle to a regional shop in Nongprue.

Samart stated the owner of the pet dogs pulled the animals away throughout the mauling, then cleaned the injuries and attempted to leave. However witnesses held him back and informed him in no unpredictable terms that he needed to take more obligation for his unchecked pet dogs’ cruelty and to take her to a medical facility for treatment.

Among the pitbulls that assaulted 12-year-old Apatcha causing injuries to her legs.

Samart stated that after the vicious attack which caused unsightly injuries on her legs, his child Apatcha remains in a state of shock and stays extremely scared of all pet dogs. The dad stated that the pet dogs’ owner believed he might purchase his escape of taking obligation by paying 5000 baht, however the monetary payment is inadequate to recover her child’s injuries and more stressing is how she will handle her terrible experience.

He desires authorities to take legal action versus the careless pet dog owner. Authorities are examining and summoned the pet dog owner for more questioning.

Samart and his better half, moms and dads of the lady assaulted by 2 pitbulls, required authorities take legal action versus the careless pet dog owner.

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