As part of the Songkran ceremonials, a Buddha image is bathed with fragrant water and sprayed with flowers.

The ASEAN Knowing Center commemorated Songkran a day early for trainees who typically observe the vacation in Burmese, Laotian or Cambodian style.

Radchada Chomjinda, director of the Human Assistance Network Structure Thailand, benefactor Stephen Smyth and Knowing Center executives hosted the Songkran celebration for the trainees, who are the kids of migrant employees from surrounding nations.

To them, Songkran is the Khmer New Year, Thingyan or just Pi Mai. Educators revealed them the Thai New Year’s Songkran customs.

Trainees bathed a Buddha statue and paid regard to their seniors. There likewise was a painting contest and phase plays that highlighted the Songkran custom.

Kid carry out the “Rod Nam Dum Hua” event by putting fragrant water onto the hands of the seniors, getting true blessings and great desires in return.
Kids got certificates of achievement for their different accomplishments throughout the year.
Personnel and volunteers at the Human Assistance Network Structure Thailand pay their aspects to the seniors of the child-care center.

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