This year on May 9 countless individuals in the nations of previous Soviet Union celebrate the 75th anniversary of the triumph in the Fantastic Patriotic war (1941-1945).

The Fantastic Patriotic war began on June 22, 1941 with Nazi Germany abrupt undeclared attack on the Soviet Union. This war is an important part of the The second world war and to this day stays one the most violent and sanguinary disputes in the history of humanity. Yet, as time passes less individuals and survivors of the war live, and therefore the recollections of the world’s darkest hours undoubtedly vanish. Cumulative memory of and good understanding amongst individuals throughout various countries, when all enhanced by shared challenges of the war, slowly subsides.

In the last few years due to plain lack of knowledge, or rather politically driven misconception and distortion of truths, the when typical understanding of the origin, result and tradition of the war moves therewith. Outrageous elimination of war monoliths, statues and memorials in some East European nations highlights the pattern of utter cynicism and revisionism, a course so often, yet so incorrectly taken in the past. For such regrettable actions are absolutely nothing except betrayal of memory, marvelous deeds and virtues of preceding generations. Rather of acknowledging the monoliths to the fighters versus Nazism as shared tradition and worldwide heritage, particular political leaders in some nations begin waging war versus fallen heroes, who naturally, can not safeguard themselves. These harmful actions, together with ideological premises they are based upon weaken a few of the extremely core European worths and concepts, like tolerance and pursuit of the reality.

In these odd times, when doubt blurs the borders in between verity and fallacy it deserves finding some crucial truths about the triumph in the Fantastic Patriotic war and The second world war in basic, and ponder on its significance today.

The fascist union in Europe was beat by collaborations of the allied military consisting of that of the Soviet Union, the United States, the UK, patriotic forces in France and other nations. Nevertheless, the contribution of each of these nations to attaining the triumph was by no ways even. With the USSR reluctantly going into the dispute an extreme shift in the whole military and political landscape of the war emerged. Throughout the extreme fights at the borders of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, and other Soviet cities German army and its partners suffered significant beats. Slowly, and not without serious casualties, the achievements of the Soviet Red army resolved the invincibility misconception of the Hitler forces, broke their spirits and laid the structure for a total turn-around in the war. Almost 70% of Nazi losses throughout the whole course of the The second world war took place in strong fights with the Soviet soldiers. In general, the German death toll on the Soviet front alone was 4 to 6 times higher than that of the West European and Mediterranean fronts integrated. As an outcome, regardless of preliminary success Nazi soldiers stopped working to accomplish their objectives.

In the middle of 62 countries that took part in the The second world war the USSR took the heaviest blow and lost more than 26 million human lives. Numerous cities, towns, towns, factories, mines, numerous kilometers of trains and total nationwide wealth of inestimable worth were lost in warfare. The impressive figures advise all of us of the substantial rate everybody needed to spend for the sake of triumph and enduring peace.

There is no household in today’s Russia and other nations of the previous USSR that is untouched by the occasions of the war. Lots of had at least one grandpa that engaged the opponent in the trenches on the battleground. A lot more had relative that served on the “house front”– working long hours at the armories to protect continuous circulation of ammo and materials for the army. Furthermore, some had a relative that needed to withstand all the discomfort and suffering related to a concentration or labor camp. For that reason, 75 years given that completion of the Fantastic Patriotic war, its echo joins individuals throughout countries and haunts numerous descendants of the triumphant generation.

For individuals of previous Soviet nations consisting of diplomats and their households that work here in Bangkok 9 Might is a spiritual day to remember historical and brave occasions of the past, to check out triumph monoliths and cemeteries and to lay flowers and wreaths. In the last few years on this day countless individuals gather in downtowns of their particular cities holding pictures of their grandparents, moms and dads and other family members to march in an around the world project called the “Never-ceasing Program”. I clearly remember this occasion arranged by our compatriots in 2015 in Pattaya, Phuket and Samui. This year due to the spread of Covid-19 the project will be held online so that various descendants of war individuals can still pay regard and homage to their brave forefathers.

On this day nationwide television channels generally transmit popular films about the war in addition to shows and musical programs including war tunes carried out by vocalists of various age and category consisting of today’s vibrant bands and pop-stars. The experience of war, its function in the history of the world and life-altering influence on a regular individual are shown in numerous books, paintings, plays and numerous other types of cultural expression. A lot of such works got worldwide acknowledgment like motion picture “The Cranes are flying”, which won prominent Grand Reward at the 1958 Cannes Movie Celebration, or books by Nobel Reward winner (1965) Mikhail Sholokhov, who had actually functioned as military reporter throughout the war. It is necessary that the war-related styles are popular amongst all generations and join our individuals.

The hard-won triumph in the Fantastic Patriotic war acts as a pointer to proclaim virtues of all individuals of the previous Soviet Union that offered whatever they might: labor, blood, guts, determination, strength, and typically their own life for the sake of peace. The anniversary of triumph is likewise an extremely affecting celebration to remember all the sacrifices every household needed to make, all the lost lives on the battlegrounds, in prisoner-of-war camp and occupied areas. It is an extreme lesson and a stern caution for anybody lured to take enduring peace for given and intrigued in revitalizing the unsafe concepts that when resulted in the darkest chapters of human history. Lastly, it betokens the victory of factor over insanity and a hope that the world would stay sensible not to duplicate the errors of the past.

Ambassador of the Russian Federation

in the Kingdom of Thailand H.E. Mr. Evgeny Tomikhin


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