The complimentary occupational-training programs covering health, food, marketing, workmanship, appeal and farming courses were taught by speakers from federal government and personal companies.

Pattaya introduced complimentary occupational-training programs covering health, food, marketing, workmanship, appeal and farming.
Deputy Mayor Wuthisak Rermkijakarn started the program Feb. 1 at municipal government. Pattaya is providing the complimentary courses to resolve hardship issues by developing tasks and earnings, promoting independent professions, and increasing abilities to enhance making power.

The Social Well-being Department’s Occupational Promo and Advancement Department stated each course is open to 120 individuals and range from simply one day to 150 hours.

The offered courses are:
Healthy Thai Massage– 150 hours Feb. 2-16
Healthy Foot Massage– 60 hours Feb. 17-23
Organic Food Company– Feb. 4-5 class on vegan desserts
” Eco Leaf” Printing– Feb. 9-10
Internet Marketing and Sales– Feb. 13-15
Male’s Haircutting– Feb. 13-15
Sustainable Gardening– Feb. 16

Courses are taught by speakers from federal government and personal companies.

Pattaya is providing complimentary courses to resolve hardship issues by developing tasks and earnings, promoting independent professions, and increasing abilities to enhance making power.

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