Khao Chi Chan, likewise called Buddha Mountain, is a popular gorgeous location situated in Chon Buri province, simply 15 km from Pattaya – the island paradise of Thailand. Popular amongst the marvelous nature and the beautiful charm of Khao Chi Chan is the well-known statue of Sakyamuni Buddha being in the meditation position on a high cliff. The statue is over 100 meters high, about 70 meters broad and is made completely of 24-carat strong gold.

Buddha image sculpted on mountain

Khao Chi Chan’s statue was integrated in 1996 on the event of King Rama IX’s reign of Thailand for 50 years. King Rama IX was extremely appreciated by the Thai individuals and worshiped as a living saint although the nation’s power remained in the hands of the prime minister and parliament. King Rama IX is likewise well-known for being a terrific factor to the farming advancement – the nation’s primary financial sector – when effectively reproduced numerous top quality plant ranges and well-known fruits for the nation. In addition, he likewise routinely assisted those in hard scenarios, which acquired the majority of the love from his individuals.

An ancient legend stated that, in the evening, on this spiritual mountain appeared an aura shining through the top of the mountain. This radiance just stood for a minute and after that vanished. Lots of people stated that this light had a photo of the Buddha resting on a lotus. In 1996, when King Rama IX was seriously ill, his boy looked for the very best physicians to treat him yet he stopped working to recuperate. Keeping in mind the legend of the spiritual mountain, the Crown Prince and 30 senior citizens of the nation went on an expedition and continued to cut the mountain in half, and after that sculpted Sakyamuni Buddha of 999kg to make benefit for the King. The Crown Prince likewise desired the light of the statue to spread out throughout the world and bless all humanity.

Khao Chi Chan

Khao Chi Chan

Buddha image was inlaid with 24-carat gold and finished after months of building, wonderfully basing on the mountain, under the stringent conservation of the Thai Royal. The statue was produced in the Sukhothi design with extremely sharp, careful lines, with a popular Buddha image right in the middle of the spiritual mountain. From afar, the gleaming statue highlights the sanctity of the golden temple nation. Every year, a great deal of travelers pertain to Khao Chi Chan to appreciate the marvelous charm of the golden Buddha statue along with taking pleasure in the pure, serene environment, in the middle of the beautiful surrounding surroundings.

Check-in site for many tourists at Khao Chi Chan

Check-in website for numerous travelers at Khao Chi Chan

It takes about thirty minutes to reach Khao Chi Chan by taxi. The opening hour is from 6am to 6pm. The very best time to go to the Buddha Mountain is early in the early morning when travelers are not crowded or late in the afternoon to appreciate the dreamy sundown.

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