East Pattaya, Nongprue sanitation employees gather trash unlawfully disposed on Siam Nation Club Roadway and behind Pattaya Town.

Nongprue garbage collectors tidied up trash disposed unlawfully near the Mabprachan Tank.
Mayor Winai Inpitak, his deputies, subdistrict security and sanitation employees came down upon Siam Nation Club Roadway Feb. 9 where the rubbish was disposed on an uninhabited lot.

In reaction, Nongpure authorities set up a “no littering” indication, although Deputy Mayor Wanchai Sanngam confessed dumpers overlook such things.

More patrols are assured with anybody captured based on a 2,000-baht fine.
The very same day, sanitation employees likewise needed to tidy up a prohibited dumpsite behind Pattaya Town.

Wanchai stated the location has actually been a typical dumpsite. Part of the issue is individuals who come there to feed roaming pets then toss their plastic bags and other litter on the ground.

Nongpure authorities set up a “no littering” indication, although officers confessed dumpers overlook them.

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