No indications of battle, cops suspect suicide by suffocation

Rescue employees prepare to get rid of the body of an Australian guy from his house in Pattaya on Saturday. (Image: Chaiyot Pupattanapong)

PATTAYA: A 59-year-old Australian guy was discovered dead on Saturday inside an apartment or condo with a plastic bag covering his head and secured with a cable television tie twisted around his neck.

His body was discovered on the bed in a space on the 4th flooring of the four-storey structure, stated Pol Lt Col Nithat Waewpradab, deputy superintendent of Pattaya city cops, who looked out at around 4.30 pm. The guy’s name was kept pending alert of family members.

Using a Tee shirts and underclothing, the guy had a green plastic bag covering his head with a cable television tie secured around his neck. His hands were likewise bound with a cable television tie. Authorities discovered no contusions on his body. There were no traces of a battle inside the space, which had 7 computer system screens on a desk. The space had a safe however there were no important products inside.

Authorities at first hypothesized that the guy may have experienced tension and taken his own life. Closed-circuit tv images from the structure revealed no one had actually entered his space.

The structure’s house cleaner, who found the body, informed cops the guy had actually resided in the house for practically 3 years.

His body was sent out to Authorities General Health Center in Bangkok for a post-mortem assessment to identify the specific cause of death.

7 computer system screens base on a desk in the dead guy’s space in Pattaya. (Image: Chaiyot Pupattanapong)

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