Jincai Chen satisfies Pol Maj Gen Surachate Hakparn, deputy commissioner of the Traveler Cops Bureau. Somchai Poomlard

A Chinese lady abducted by a gang after coming to Suvarnabhumi airport from Hong Kong and held for 2 week for a 10-million-baht ransom has actually been discovered safe and well in Bang Na.

Jincai Chen, 39, was abducted by 5 individuals, 4 Chinese and a Thai lady, after coming to the airport on the night of Might 6 from Hong Kong, Pol Maj Gen Surachate Hakparn, deputy commissioner of the Traveler Cops Bureau, informed media the other day.

The gang required a 2 million yuan (about 10 million baht) ransom from her partner, a Tanzanian person of Korean origin, he stated.

The victim’s partner last Friday looked for assistance from cops, stating he and family members had actually paid the ransom however the gang then required 1 million yuan more.

The gang kept Ms Chen slave from Might 6 to 18. She was kept at a hotel in Bangkok, then at a home in Pattaya, Chon Buri and lastly at a home on Koh Samet in Rayong province.

On Saturday, she was reminded Bangkok blindfolded and disposed at the side of Bang Na-Trat Roadway in Bang Na district, Bangkok.

Ms Chen got in touch with family members who called the cops.

The deputy commissioner recognized the Thai suspect as Wansikan Termthanapat and the 4 Chinese as Wenqu Sun, Ming Tune, Dongliang Sun and Meiling Kai, a lady. All still stay at big.

He stated all 4 Chinese suspects had actually left the nation prior to the lady was discovered on Saturday. Cops were searching for Ms Wansikan and other possible accomplices in Thailand. It was unclear how cops had the ability to determine all 5 suspects.

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